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John #49564

I have memory issues. If I forgot something important, please try to be lenient with me. It's never intentional.

Chased Found: 279

278 were successfully befriended. | 1 was not successfully befriended.
The above counter does not include "rechased" wolves (game-generated NBWs that got chased after being befriended, then found by somebody else).

Raised and Chased: 47

I: 18 | II: 18 | III: 10 | *: 1

JJ / Johnny / John | 21 | he/him | Trans Man | Gay | Biology Major | EST... *sobs* EDT now


I love exploring and befriending new wolves, collecting pretty wolves (usually ones I find myself), and decorating them! Wolves have been my favorite animal since I was very young, and they've always been a source of excitement for my autism. I love all of my wolves so very much! I try to keep a male, blue-eyed (typically base game blue, but occasionally I will use event/applicator blues) descendant of my original wolf as my lead. It's fun watching the lineage go up!

• Own & Immortalize Conjoined Twins
• Own & Immortalize a Polymelia Pup
• Get Pup Stages [Done]
• Find a TIII NBW [Done 52x]

Breeding Project Est. 04/12/2024

Overall Goal: het w/b or het b/w 10x merle.
Sub-goals: 10x merle, any eyes; 10x merle, storm eyes.

Favorite Traits

Fave Bases:
SPECIAL: Achilles, Airglow, Artemis, Biform, Hydrangea, Losna, Sappho, Turquoise, Umbra
TIER III: Argent, Blueschist, Bronze, Chromium, Corundum, Flint, Grulla, Hornfels, Iridium, Iron, Larimar, Mojave, Pyrope, Realgar, Seal, Serpentine, Slate, Striped Flint, Tombac
TIER II: Acanthite, Bedrock, Biotite, Cocoa, Doubloon, Greisen, Melchior, Onyx, Pewter, Rime, Silver, Sterling, Titanium
TIER I: Dust, Gravel, Tumbleweed

Fave Eyes:
DEFAULT: Clay, Hazel, Hetero Black/White, Hetero Blue/Brown, Hetero Brown/Blue, Hetero White/Black
EVENT: Dark Eclipse, Frost, Saros, Spectral
RAFFLE: Bloodhound, Dark Hazel, Dust, Husky, Novus, Smoke, Steel Blue, Storm

Misc. Faves:
MARKS: Carnage, Cougar, Dilution, Gentle Unders, Inuit Unders, Lupos, Marbled Unders, Merle, Merle Patches, Orca, Ornate Blotches, Patchy Unders, Sallander, Shaded, Shimmer, Tamaskan Unders, Underbelly, Undercoat, Underfur, Unders, Undersides, Wings, Wings Heavy, Wings Scarce
MUTATIONS: Conjoined Twins, Patches: Mottled, Patches: Split, Polymelia

Member Information
Name John
Pack Frostbearing Pack
King Cepheus III ♂
Joined 2021-10-01
Last Active 1 minute ago
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