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Jolly Strongclaws #52144

I prefer food and herbs but anything is fine!

โค = Speical-check bio for more info

๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽ = Wean pups then giveaway

๐ŸŽ = Up for grabs

I am 2 hours ahead of wolvden time
I'm in school so I won't always be available
I'm new and still trying to get a grip on the game
I want to get a mutated wolf
I'm saving up for a drawing: split 500/500 so: 0/500
I'm always looking for more names so message and link the wolf if you have any ideas
Member Information
Name Jolly Strongclaws
Pack Strongclaws
Lead Wolf Mud Splatter
Joined 2021-11-23
Last Active 2021/12/18 18:28:58
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