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Mahikahn #54973

Lore-based pack

I first created this account, intending to run it as a Wolvlocke challenge. But I took a break for a few months before a friend of mine got me back into the game for good, and I've since given up on the challenge idea.
Nevertheless, I still have some long-term goals.

- The Ravengarde Tribe is a pack mainly composed of wolves with natural and realistic tones.
- I'm trying to keep only TIII, T*, and wolves with short generations.
- I'm trying to add lore and scenery to each of the wolves I keep in the Ravengarde Tribe.

About me

Mahikahn | 25yo | She/Her

You can call me Mahi for short. Please forgive any mistakes I may make, English is not my native language

Lioden Account: Mahikahn (#24779)

Liolocke Account: Mahikahn (#260645)

Youtube Channel @MahikahnE

Ravengarde Tribe

Member Information
Name Mahikahn
Pack Ravengarde Tribe
Leader Raun
Joined 2022-01-04
Last Active 3 days ago
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