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Firefly #57355

Welcome to my pack! I am a fan of the book series "Wolves of the Beyond" Autor Kathryn Lasky.

The series was a childhood favorite of mine.
22 years old
2h ahead of WD time
Active when I can.!
SpoopySoda #27827 created my icon <3

If your coming to my den to ask for chased wolves. DON'T!! Unless you have proof you chased then I hold the right not to sell them. If the chased wolf is anywhere but my unsorted den, I HIGHLY likely won't sell them. (Pre-owners of chased wolves have the right to ask for their wolves back! I go by pre-owned privilege over someone asking to outright buy them.).
Member Information
Name Firefly
Pack The Great Beyond Pack
King Wendigo
Joined 2022-02-04
Last Active 2024/12/02 07:01:34
Recent Friends
Raiden of Mystras
played by Fray
