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Avocadont #58296

Looking around, around the recent rockfall that fell from the ever changing mountains, and you notice the familiar figure, the familiar figure of a wolf you have never met, a wolf that you have and havent seen. The familiarity, yet the difference from what you know.... and they notice you too. The figure slides up beside you, a dark she covered in mud. She lets out a whisper,
to faint to hear, her familiar scent comforting you and panicking you, as if she was and was not there, as if she existed before you, and after you at the same time, but never truly with you. Who knows if she exists here, or in another realm? Its almost as if her voice is still without sound, as if her soul is without host, she is almost with you, but never there. She brushes against you, her body feeling as if it wasnt there, but was there at the same time, and her tail twisted around yours, barely moving a hair, and then she was gone, faster than she was here.

Member Information
Name Avocadont
Pack Gooseneck Pack
Pack Leader Charcoal
Joined 2022-02-12
Last Active 2024/08/04 14:36:58
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