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SkyQuake #60279

I'd definitely recommend reading this, it's not serious at all and it's more comedic!
as you're walking across the Taiga venturing far from your pack, you pick up a scent of meat. You, having not eaten in a few hours, decide to go find the potential snack. As the scent gets stronger you see tiny paw prints "a puppy with food? Intriguing." you say out loud, you continue a few minutes walking, but then you fall into a ditch (imagine falling into a ditch ) as you open your eyes to try to comprehend what's going on, you see a small puppy staring at you. Before you can do anything, the puppy lets out the loudest squeal that even your ancestors can hear! You instantly cover your ears. The puppy runs after seeing something behind you. You dread looking behind you, could it be a bear? A cougar? You slowly turn your head..what do you see? A very Tiny, very dark wolf. "Why are you here?" she says in a very sullen tone. You pause for a minute, then answer "I wanted food" you answer embarrassingly. "I don't think you'd find food in a ditch" she replies. Realizing you're still in a ditch, you hastily get out of it, after you manage to get out you notice her very sharp Sapphire eyes. "I'm Sky Lynx, you're trespassing. You need to leave." you're a bit confused, usually other packs are happy to show you hospitality! "Can I at least get a bit to eat? I'm hours away from my pack, and I haven't eaten since I left, I'm starving!" (You left 20 minutes ago) she stops and thinks for a minute. "come along then" she says, obviously very annoyed. As she leads you into the Den you see everyone looking at you, as you gaze around you see the puppy from earlier, as soon as he spots you his eyes widen and he goes running to his mother, squealing in fear. His mother turns to look at you, and makes a face that makes you feel as though she wants to kill you. You put your head down, embarrassed. Sky Lynx tells you to wait in the middle of the den, and she would go get you food. She starts walking, then says something to the herbalist, the herbalist then smirks at you. A few minutes go by, and you hear tiny paws running, and little puppies barking, getting louder. The herbalist then comes up beside you, but you can hardly hear him. "Hey, there I'm Iron Hyde! I hope you like puppies!" he shouts, you're a bit confused. As he looks behind you he laughs, then runs away to a den. As you turn around, you see no less than 100 puppies running towards you like an angry bull. Your eyes widen as you look at the mass of puppies storming towards you, you want to cry. "..Fuck" milliseconds later, you are absolutely TRAMPLED by the stampede of puppies wanting to play, they pull on your tail, wreck your once beautiful coat, take one of your TEETH. You see a bone on the ground, and you do your best to grab it whilst hundreds of puppies are absolutely SWARMING you by some miracle you get to it, and throw it towards the opposite side of the den. The puppies, now fixated on the bone, all at once run over and try to get the bone. You run like you never have before, you don't stop even when you're at least a mile away. When you're certain you've lost them, you look at the damage, and you're now a bald wolf. (That's pretty embarrassing)


Name: Titan

Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

Hello and welcome to Revenge of the Fallen! I go by SkyQuake, but you can call me Sky! I'm currently still working on my profile, but there will be more to come! if you see that my wolves haven't been fed or played with, I more than likely completely forgot to but rest assured, they are fine and treated with up-most care! Though if you do see they aren't fed feel free to remind me, I've got a really shitty memory and you may be thinking, ''why are the pictures that big?'' because that's how i made them, they are supposed to be that size

As said before I go by SkyQuake! And my real name is Savannah! Anyways, my pronouns are She/her and I am a 22 year old farrier! I've had a passion for horses since I was a kid, and I was lucky enough to make it my profession! I've got 4 cats, Nick, Castiel, Goose, and Tiny. Nick is my soul cat, he's my favorite person! Goose and Castiel are brothers, and very orange/crazy! Tiny is my only girl cat, her names ironic because she's a land hippo I also love both red dead redemption games! My favorite character is definitely Hosea or Arthur (basic I KNOW ) and one last thing is my favorite band EVER, Avenged Sevenfold! My favorite songs by them are definitely A little piece of Heaven, Unbound, and Hail to the King! I've never been able to go to one of their concerts, but if they ever come to Saint Louis I'm 100% getting tickets! (The lead singer, M Shadows is my profile picture )

So my main goal for my pack is to breed Grulla's with mutations. I've said before I love horses, and Grulla is my favorite horse coat! As you can imagine I was positively shocked that the coat is in Wolvden! In fact, my leadwolf and her mate are Grulla's! I've only got a few so far, but I plan on getting a bunch more. But other than that, I'm working on breeding every secondary mutation! I will put what i have and don't have at some other point.

This is a place for me to put random things I need, feel free to read if you're interested!
How leaders names work!
Every 3-4 generations of leaders will have the same Prefix, the current prefix is "Sky".
Names of future leaders and heirs in order:
-Sky Warp
-Sky Fire
-Sky Screamer

Member Information
Name SkyQuake
Pack Revenge Of The Fallen
Queen Sky Lynx
Joined 2022-02-23
Last Active 9 hours ago
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