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King Helsing #6085

About Me

Hello, I am King Helsing, although I've gone by many other names in the past. I'm an adult male from the United States and an avid fan of games like lioden and wolvden. My goal on this site is simply to have fun and do things I haven't yet, although my ideas seem to be changing by the day. I am a massive nerd who enjoys various television, gaming, and reading comic books; you'll also find me riding horses sometimes as well. Messages are welcome and I'm very friendly, but also shy due to having autism. Feel free to approach or message me, but please try to be patient since I scare easily.

My Den

Real quick, please  allow me to apologize for the chaos that is my den, it wasn't intentional. After watching Star Trek: TNG, I got inspired and of course, it spread to my game. All are welcome to visit my wolves, but please prepare for Q chaos, bad Q names and puns, and just an overall flood of all things Q Continuum. I loved the character and learning about his species/ people, so this is the result. My apologies again and I hope you enjoy your stay!

Member Information
Name King Helsing
Pack Q Continuum
Leader Q2
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 2021/06/26 18:52:52
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