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OneWIthTheDarkness #65322

Hi! My name is OneWithTheDarkness, but you can call me Cystim! I love writing lore, even though I tend to keep it to myself, because I don't want people hating how I wrote it...But I can! All you need to do is ask. I can also draw, and I would make Custom Decor, but I have no Golden Cones, so...Yeah! I am also on Lioden, where I tend to let my lore writing go free! ^^ Feel free to message me, though I may seem rude if I had just woken up- It's because I hadn't my coffee yet, so don't take it personally if I snap at you! I also roleplay, though you have to forgive for how rusty I am, as I haven't done it in a while! I also have a YouTube channel, though I don't post often..I'll leave a small sample of my writing style below! It won't be lore, for reasons stated above, but still...

'The dark, wooden oak table cracked under a slender, pale fist, followed by anger flashing in vibrant gold eyes as a tall, slender male snarled angrily "We can't just let the Suppressors win! We have to fight for freedom, no matter the odds! We will get our freedom! They have to give in sooner or later!" Cold, midnight blue eyes met vibrant, angry gold in a cold stand-off "We can't lose any more warriors. We won't win this war, Alex. Not like this. We have to retreat and recover. Then we'll strike again, and hopefully, we'll stand a chance of winning."


"No, Alex. We have to retreat. We aren't going to win if we keep following your strategy. I don't want to lose and be beheaded, either. But we have to retreat and recover. We can fit into places they cannot. Let us use that to our advantage." A sharp, steady voice cut in, as tired seafoam-colored eyes peered into the war room. The tall Gamma sighed, being done with his little brother being such a difficult and feisty Omega. He also gave his older sibling a very disappointed glance "Finn, what would Mom think? What would Dad think? They would've wanted us to fight for freedom, but they would've wanted us to retreat now that we're weakened and low on warriors and supplies."'

And there we have it! They are my original characters, written in an original world, which is an A/B/O type of story, but with different mechanics, and many other things. I will also be writing a SFW variant of the same story. I'll write some lore to put up here, later, I'm sure of that- It'll be for my pack leader, the queen, and her mate- I usually write professionally, and will be irked by spellings mistakes- I am transgender, and not to mention AroAce. If you have a problem with that, then you can leave. Don't bother with hate messages, as they will completely ignored. I likely won't even notice you sent them in the first place. I am highly distractable, so if I get distracted by something while we chat, and don't response for a few hours, that's almost always why. I do commissions and will post some art of the Queen, Accalia, later.
Member Information
Name OneWIthTheDarkness
Pack The Half Crown Pack
Queen Accalia
Joined 2022-04-01
Last Active 2022/07/15 11:43:58
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