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Wulf #67931

So, I'm Wulf it's not a very creative name but it's what I came up with on the spot for making this account so here I am!

I'm still pretty new to the game and am trying to figure things out and build up my pack so I'm definitely not the best person to ask for advice.

I actually joined this game I think a year ago but I only glanced at it before forgetting it existed so I found it again and decided to create a new account and start fresh.

Anyways here just some random rings about me:
I love to read and write
Wolfes are one of my favorite animals
I like (some) anime
I have a dog
I used to have a dog that had a good amount of wolf blood in it but sadly my dad gave it away
I think this game is really fun and I plan on being here awhile!
Member Information
Name Wulf
Pack Wind Wolves
Alpha Akkar
Joined 2022-05-03
Last Active 2022/12/24 20:01:25
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