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Celeste #7311

Hey everyone! I'll keep this short.

You can call me Celeste (she/her). I live in the US, so I'm either 2 or 3 hours ahead of WD time, depending on the time of year. I'm a generally nice person, and I love to talk! I won't bite if you send me a PM, however I won't tolerate disrespect or rudeness. Some of my interests include horseback riding and music. I love TV, movies, and reading, in case you're trying to come up with a topic to converse over. I have an immense love for the night and stars, if you couldn't already tell. I've been riding horses for 13 years, and I play piccolo in my university's marching band.

I'm not very committed to WD just yet, I joined when it first came out (after testing) but I'm not on very frequently. However, I am very active on LD as Regulus by Celeste|G1 TriRos Interstellar (#115184) and Artiglio by Celeste (Side)|G3 Ely (#115178). If you need to get in contact with me and I haven't been active here, feel free to find Regulus (my main) and send me a message on there.
Member Information
Name Celeste
Pack Ravenclaw Pack
Queen Rowena
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 2025/02/19 23:13:19
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