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streamslxix #99043

Sentinels of Canis Majoris

The Canis Majoris wolves are a prideful, yet humble pack who are willing to help the others around them. Whilst they will help those who need it, they will never request it back; unwilling to damage their pride.


The Supernova

The Supernova are where the wolves of special appeance or role reside. The breeding male, the mutated and the immortal will reside in this cavern, closest to the pack leader. Although some have roles working with The Main Sequence, those part of The Supoernova are the wolves who will never leave the pack through trade or chase.

The White Dwarf

Stars age much like wolves; The White Dwarf is where those too old or too sick to work will rest. They work as mentors and guides for the young, teaching them life skills and talents that will benefit them and the pack in the future.

The Red Giant

One above the Main Squence, though still under the White Dwarf, the Red Giant is where the herbalist rests. When sick or injured, those from any cavern will rest until they are cared for and healed. The herbalist works alongside the pack's leader to make decisions, only ranked lesser than the Supernova and White Dwarf by name alone.

The Main Sequence

The stage where a star is most stable; adulthood. The Main Sequence is where the fully grown and functional adults reside - hunters, pupsitters and scouts rest here whilst they are not busy.

The Protostar

The second stage of a star's life; The Protostar is where the older, but still growing and training wolves rest. They go through training as normal with less leniency than the pups, but more than the adults.

The Nebula

The beginning stage of a star; The Nebula is where the youngest of the pack rest and play before they begin their lives.

Member Information
Name streamslxix
Pack Sentinels of Canis Major
Queen Cephei
Joined 2022-10-16
Last Active 2024/12/28 12:53:13
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