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harris | lights on!'s Wishlist

This is harris | lights on!'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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[USA] New Hampshire - Waterfall
Oaks, hardwoods, and cascades provide the perfect home for a wolf pack to thrive in. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] North Carolina - Blue Ridge Mountains
The cove hardwood forest is one of the most diverse types of woodlands on this continent. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Oregon - Oregon Coast
Let your paws sink into the moist sand as you wander along the coastal forest. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Tennessee - Great Smoky Mountains
The Smokies are a subrange of the Appalachian Mountains. The fog, which inspired its name, is a common sight due to vegetation vapors. North America - USA theme set.
[Warm] Dramatic Lighting
Where's that even coming from?
A Dogsledding Harness (Black Leather)
A quality black leather X-back style racing harness, featuring shearling chest and shoulder padding, brass studs and buckles, and rawhide toggle loop.
A Dogsledding Harness (Leather)
A quality leather X-back style racing harness, featuring a shearling chest and shoulder padding, brass studs and buckles, and rawhide toggle loop.
Abandoned Highway
These human contraptions have been quietly rusting away for quite some time. The earth has started to take over again.
Abandoned Tabby [Gray]
You found this kitten abandoned in the nearby underbrush. Maybe you can teach it to be a wolf!
Adventurer's Pack
A handy bag for your herbalist, scout or lead.
Aging Dragon Companion
You were playing with the egg and now it's hatched! Wonder how big he'll get...
Alchemist Adornment
This elaborate ensemble is perfect for your Master Alchemist to collect everything they need for magical medicines, potions, poisons and concoctions.
Alpine Forget-me-not
Blue flowers blossom among mountainous slopes.
American Coot
Aw! Such a 'coot' little bird!
American Crow
How do you focus with that thing cawing in your ear?