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harris | lights on!'s Wishlist

This is harris | lights on!'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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American Swallowtail
A butterfly with tails on its wings!
Well, you did your best!
Ancient Swamp Tree
A dark swamp, an ancient, twisted tree, and a wolf. The ground is vibrating with energy.
Angelic Wings
Large white wings worthy of taking to the skies gracefully, light as a feather.
Anhedonia [ Ears Only ]
A version of the original, this time ears only! requested by (#17697)
Anniversary! Festive Choker
A colourful festive collar made out of spring plants to decorate your wolf's neck with.
Anniversary! Festive Elbow Cones
A wonderful festive elbow wrap to decorate your wolf's legs.
Anniversary! Festive Winter Forest
This place is covered with fresh snow and seems amazing to support a big pack of wolves. It is adorned with layered stone terraces to sit on.
Antarctic Eclipse
Is it a vision from another world, or did a Lunar trail lead you all the way here? This appears in the Lunar Shoppe only during Lunar events happening over Antarctica - you may not see it for years.
Antarctic Moonlight
Is it a vision from another world, or perhaps a Lunar trail led you all the way there? Appears in Lunar Shop only during Lunar events happening over the Antarctica - you may not see it for years.
Arctic Fox
Hardy Arctic Fox from the polar plains!
Arctic Fox Kits
Hardy Arctic Fox kits from the polar plains!
Arctic Tundra
Where the creeks flow in the hard ground, where the grass is scarce, where the mountains grow instead of trees... it's hard for wolves to find good shelter here.
Arctic White
A butterfly!
Arctic Woolly Bear Moth
A moth! Its life cycle can last many years before it drops the fluffy caterpillar stage for some wings!