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Tartarrean's Wishlist

This is Tartarrean's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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The sign of the warrior - black
Who fights can lose, but you fight for your family!
The sign of the warrior - white
Who fights can lose, but you fight for your family!
Tooth and Feather Necklace
A simple little necklace crafted from teeth, stones and some feathers!
Tooth and Feather Necklace Blue
A simple little necklace crafted from teeth, stones and some feathers that your wolf have found laying around
Toothy Adornments
A rather morbid fashion statement.
Note: High priority
Toothy Bracelet
A rather morbid fashion statement.
Note: Medium priority
Torn Cloth [Red]
Wasn’t this something a human was wearing?
Note: Medium priority
Treasure Hunter
Show off all the treasures you've gotten from your adventures through worlds, from shiny cones to mysterious collectibles!
Note: Higher priority
Trinket Necklace
A necklace strung with bits and bobs.
Note: Medium priority
Trophy Hunter [Swamp]
From snake skins, to talons of birds, to the tail of a bobcat; seems like your wolf has a collection of items that adorn your wolf appearing from the swamp area!
Note: Higher priority
Viking Warrior
As a shield maiden or warrior Valhalla, this outfit is perfect for you . || I accept recolors for this decor. You found more Information here:
Note: Higher priority
Vikings Marks - Red
Make your wolf become a true viking warrior by wearing these warrior marks! Red version.
Note: Very high priority
Völva Headdress
Sacred piece of ritual headwear. (Commissioned by #5430)
Note: Very high priority
Völva Headpiece
Vital piece of ritual equipment. (Commissioned by #30323)
Note: Very high priority
Völva Staff
Crucial tool for a ritual. (Commissioned by #30323)
Note: Higher priority