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Tartarrean's Wishlist

This is Tartarrean's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Mark of the Seer
Wolves adorned with this mark are known to see further than others.
Note: Medium priority
Mockingbird Feather Leg Wraps
Contrasting wraps to protect your hunter’s legs!
Note: Medium priority
Mockingbird Feather-Fan Earring
A paw-ful of mockingbird feathers! Or more accurately, an ear-ful.
Note: Medium to high priority
Muntjac Skull (Female/No Antlers)
You have found an unusually large Muntjac skull that suits you perfectly, the large tusks make you look like a real badass! Thanks to Rhallwyn #29990 for helping me sketch the Normal and Relaxed pose!
Note: Medium priority
New Dreams for the Rat Queen
A rat skull crown with matching regalia
Note: Medium priority
Nightstalker Tassel
A simple charm, perfectly fit for those who tread in the quiet of the night.
Note: Medium priority
Nomadin Paint
Sticky red paint that the shaman smeared all over your face.
Note: Higher priority
NoManeNoGame [Hyenamorph: Striped Hyena]
What a fabulous mane on that.. Wolf?
Note: Higher priority
Old Oil Lantern
A rusty old oil lantern to help you find your way, even on the darkest of nights.
Note: Low priority
Outlaw's Outfit
Yeehaw! An outfit for all those wolves who prefer the wild west.
Note: Medium priority
Paint - Dried Blood
A constant reminder of war…
Note: Higher priority
Paint - Herb Finder
This mark will bless you with good luck on your scavenge!
Note: Higher priority
Paint - Seed Bearer
Leave no trace
Note: Higher priority
Pale Warm Light
A soft, faintly warm glow reminiscent of a cool autumn morning.
Note: Very high priority
Paw Print on Shoulder
A simple paw print on the right shoulder in red.
Note: Higher priority