This wolf is currently on a pupsitting cool down. She will be able to take on the Pupsitter role again in one rollover! This wolf has recently entered the pack, either by Befriending or the Trading Center. She will not be able to be sold or chased until 21:12 WD time!
Feather comes from a long line of herbalists, and although she hasn't chosen to dabble in the art of healing, she does enjoy foraging. It is in finding much needed herbs for the pack that is where she shines, as she is hopeless at hunting and fighting. Her gentle and empathetic spirit makes Feather a great pup guardian, and she can't wait to have puppies of her own.
Best Friend to Viola
Daughter or Mist and Oriole
Granddaughter of Zinnia and Eros
Granddaughter of Ziva and Achilles
Great Granddaughter of Jasmine and Zekino
Great Granddaughter of Luna and Anubis
Great Great Granddaughter of Fantasy and Azlan
Affinity - Oriole