August 13th. He watched as SwampDew approached him, turning his head to the left with a flicking ear. "Ozzy! I must say.. Are you willing to become a herbalist for a bit?" "Oh? For what occasion?" "All of the females are going into heat, n swindlereek had just informed me he wants to carry his legacy before he eventually dies." "...Ah." Ozzy would pause with a soft snort, thinking. "..I suppose i will." "Thank you, Oz." "Of course." he barked back, wagging his tail with humbleness.
August 19th. Watching the larger brown pelted wolf with the golden ticked back, he sat back in the medicine den, patiently waiting for the leader to put him back to being a skillful hunter that he usually was seen as. "I must say, Ozzy--" Swampdew started with a soft bark "You're skills for being a herbalist is outstanding." He barked. Ozzy chuckled with a soft growling rumble in his throat, his ears going back and his tail softly wagging as he became bashful. "You're an amazing leader to look up too." he whined quietly.