White Banes

BonePipez' Lore Wolves - 2 hours ahead of wolvden time.
NEIGHBORING PACKS: The Mountain Canines, DoomFangers
White Banes pack located solely in Koyukuk, neighboring the other's pack that is located in Naluto, Alaska. Neighboring a third pack is located solely in Bethel, Alaska.
Diary Entry #784. Day 784 of watching the White Banes.
XXXX September 8th. 3:33 AM.
I didn't have time to write until now. Today was one of those days that makes me wish i had more words to describe the feeling of havig your heart in your throat. 6 AM in the morning i think, i snuck past mum to the village's graveyard and went to see the WhiteBanes' pack. I could tell they were restless oddly enough, like i felt it from the moment i stepped foot in the snow, which must've been deep cause it was to my ankles or like whatever. I think the bogmen disturbed their nesting place again, the tracks from their trucks n snowmobiles were clear as day in the snow. I haven't seen the lead wolf yet, i think he was scouted off. Though somehow, i predicted the bogmen were there cause i saw the hunters chasing them.
Which is sad enough, cause the two other wolves just had babies yesterday!! I snuck in close enough to observe from a distance, they were cute af girl. one had 5, the other had 4? whatever. I did get caught today, but like whatever, my mom can't control me. i followed them way past the village and surprisingly, the bogmen chased the pack into the village's wildlife park, which is pretty cool, i get to see them more often. since their in town.
The park rangers came fast too and gave the hunters a ticket and a warrant for trying to hunt the wolves since their the second pack in the whole island. I think the first pack is the Mountain Canines? I don't know, i'll need Alice to tell me more cause ugh, she's a bitch but i love it when she talks about that huge ass wolf that she named herself "Snow"
Until Tomorrow, Attla.
Somewhere around May XXXX, The pack was started with a male brown-pelted wolf that moved into the charred mountains with his 2 pups and another wolf. The pack soon grew into 17 wolves, thriving with their own roles. Til Hunters, called "BogMen", a 20+ group of middle aged men that go out hunting for wolves for sport illegally, chased the wolves out of their mountains and into the Koyukuk wildlife national park, where they'll reside as a neighboring pack to Naluto. The leader wolf of the mountain canines and White Banes seem to have a connection of sorts, with them personally leaving the territory to deliver a pup of their own to the other.
Somewhere on August 3rd XXXX, A Farmer in the grasslands had dumped a box of 3 puppies out onto the side of the countryfarm, the puppies whining and crying as the box made a thud against the wintery grass. The Farmer, Easton Williamson, A man with short greying hair and a trimmed beard, wrinkles that presented his old acne, furrowed eyebrows and a fatherly stomach that stuck out from his overalls. Shotgun hoisted on his shoulder with a strap, he dropped the box down onto the side and left grumbling to himself about his cows being threatened by those damned coyotes. Attla would observe the leader took those pups in gracefully, no matter if they were wolves or not. They died early off, unfortunately.
Somewhere around September 22 XXXX, Attla noticed that SwampDew had came back to his pack, leading along a new wolf he.. she guessed, befriended from another pack. Oaken Arcana. Somewhere in the desert, which is what the new wolf's pelt resembled. A beautiful white tanning coat with a bit of white coating it's neck, gray shifting to coat it's shoulders and a darkened spot over the She-Wolf's light blue eyes.
Leader Wolf
, (First Year Leader - SwampDew ) - The wolf who controls the decisions of the pack, but not how the others behave. A wolf who's young is usually the next in line with exceptions (Made by me. L)Beta
(First Year Beta - Apollo II) - Instead of usual packs that follow with the Beta being the second in-command, they are Heirs to the throne to be the next Leader Wolf. They also have control over most wolves, and are the first-chosen to mentor the pups if a mentor is not present within a pack.Scout Wolves
(First Year Scouts - SwindleReek and EchoStone) - 2 sets of wolves that are medium-ranked. They are both mentors and scavenger-wolves, As they scout new biomes for the leader to explore, they re-scout areas for extra things they can find; And they bring pups along with a provided strong Hunter Wolf to tag along as protection.Herb Wolves
(First Year Herb-Forager Wolf - SkullStare) - Wolves that are always decorated or covered with plants, sometimes mushrooms growing atop their heads and leaves gathering near their feet. Often rather kind of aggressive wolves take this position, Foraging every day through the snow to find 1-2 herbs for the pack incase of a sudden influenza.Root Wolves
(First Year Roots (TWO) - White Veins ; Apollo II, HateHex, NightBlink, SeptemberFang & SolitaryCrescent. - White Roots ; BlueFire, HateCurse, LeatherMoon, Ozzy & SpiderScratch) - Wolves, aka called "Roots" as they are the roots of the pack, the providers that bring the food. They are often out hunting in various biomes, with 1 wolf that is chosen to stalk the prey, 3 chasers that chase and corner the prey for the 1 wolf, The best-stat wolf to finish off the prey and bring it home. Their roles and where they hunt is always primarily chosen by the Leader Wolf.Hidden Splinter Wolves
- (First Year Splinter-Helper - BeetleSnort) - Wolves that reside in a den, usually called (to humans) "mid-wife wolves" that are the equivalent of both Pup Watchers and Splinter-Helper. They are in charge of the Splinter Nursery, helping mother-wolves settle into their new spots, away from their duties to rest and give birth to their litters. They are able to give birth as well, being experienced in both roles.Mentor Wolves
- (First year Mentor - NONE) - Wolves that reside in the usual common den-area, old wolves (5, 6, 7 years old) that are usually the ones to train pups, to tell stories of their roles and what they had done, and to be the wolves that bury the deceased.-Wolves to never be bred unless they are on their last heat; Scout Wolves, Splinter-Helpers and Beta's(They have to wait until their leader and have a pairbond).
Dens i am attempting to build at the moment:
White Prowlers (living area) ~ ✅
White Veins (all RootWolves) ~ ✅
Hidden Splinter (Nursery) ~ ✅
(SEASON)Forage (herbalist den/sick/injured) ~ ❌
Pup Watchers (Pupsitting) ~ ❌
White Grass (living area for pups) ~ ❌
Scouts ~ ❌
Burier Veins (mentors w in-training pups) ~ ❌
- Wolves with this emoji (

- They will not be able to roleplay with or as in any kind of roleplay.
- Wolves with this emoji has Custom Backgrounds/Lore! -

-They contain interesting lore that i've made.

- Personal note; These wolves do not have warrior-cat like names. They are named based off of personality (Example: SwampDew is named SwampDew because Swamp is described as "Low-Lying, Uncultivated, Overwhelm, Deluge" (Ties to "Selfish" because selfish people are low-lying, overwhelming people.) and Dew is just because he looks like a "moist dew" (Like mud?)
- Personal note 2; All wolves at age 6 are due to become mentors.

Leader SwampDew | ||||||||||||