This wolf is immortal! It will never age or die. It cannot be bred or used in roles, or retired into. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
BrakenStep has been in this pack most of her life, though was pushed aside as a "Second Priority" Because of her condition. Her odd feet and large horns not being normal for a wolf caused her complications the herbalist had told her she may not live long because of her oddness, Hearing of an Immortal Jellyfish to grant those who use it live for eternity she quickly sought out to retrieve it, struggling immensely she eventually found it flowing gently down a soft stream, a stream connected to the ocean, she didn't realize she traveled so far until she got there but lucky for her, her journey was not pointless. Quickly consuming the jelly it was almost as if a heavy weight was lifted off her chest and she felt more alive then ever, seems her condition had effected her more then she realized, after feeling a sense of peace she returned back to the pack to explain the great news, in which some disliked the idea of a eternal life span, but then again most were happy the gentle wolf would be staying with them.