Our newest stud! An enclave find adopted by our deaf and blind pair. This G2 boy took a bit of work to get up to snuff, but we immediately saw his potential the second we saw him. He continues the colorbomb saga.
gene test (150sc)
Base changed from pumice to monster (cryptid scales)
Eyes changed from brown to mascon (A gift) Mascon eyes possible thanks to the incredible Sesstria!
Added abomination mark (cryptid scales)
Added amor mark (20gc)
Added relaxed pose (3gc)
Increased multiple opacities (3gc)
Added a sappho mark (13gc)
Added neurodiversity flag (5gc and a handful of sc)
6gc from John
link and 14gc grinded to get Froot Loop into service.
Spent 1gc on marking remover
Added black wraith mark (mysterious effigies)