T3/T* heirs (name)✨
Non-heir offspring (subtitle)✵
Keep T3/T* daughters with 450+ adult stats
Purchased Level 1 Stats: Strength 49, Speed 50, Agility 55, Wisdom 56, Smarts 51, Total 261
Level 2: +2 smarts, +1 wisdom, +1 strength
Level 3: +3 smarts, +2 wisdom, +1 speed
Level 4: +4 speed, +2 agility, +1 smarts, +1 strength
Level 5: +4 speed, +3 agility, +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
Level 6: +4 speed, +4 agility, +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
Level 7: +6 speed, +4 agility, +2 smarts, +1 wisdom, +1 strength
Level 8: +7 agility, +5 speed, +2 smarts, +1 wisdom, +1 strength
Level 9: +8 agility, +6 speed, +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
Level 10: +7 speed, +7 agility, +2 wisdom, +2 smarts, +2 strength
Level 11: +8 agility, +7 speed, +3 strength, +2 wisdom, +2 smarts
Level 12: +9 agility, +8 speed, +3 strength, +2 wisdom, +2 smarts
Level 13: +10 agility, +9 speed, +3 strength, +2 wisdom, +2 smarts
Level 14:
You can see the sparks of joy in NAME of the Marketplace's eyes when they ask you to go over to them. They have prepared a little surprise for you as a reminder that you're special to them. (Gained 1x Roadrunner Feather! 1x Agouti Carcass! 2x Owl Feather! 1x Blue Jay Feather! 1x Opossum Carcass! 1x Rabbit Carcass!)
With a gentle smile, Spark of the Marketplace gazes upon you fondly. According to them, you're the only one they can share their innermost thoughts with.
In hushed tones, Spark of the Marketplace tells you their deepest, darkest secret. They know you won't tell anyone.