After all, these mountains could easily swallow you whole~
"You look lost. A wolf should never display weakness or confusion, lest the enemy take advantage. Perhaps you should come with me. After all, these mountains could easily swallow you whole~"
Vârcolac said with a sly, almost knowing smile. Gallo knew he was right, being new in these strange lands, it would be best to find a guide. He also didn't seem to have a choice.
Vârcolac is a wolf not of the mortal world. Unlike Raiju, instead of a spirit, he is more of a demon. Similar to other cryptids of folklore, his origins are unknown, but is known to stalk the darkest forests in search of wandering prey. After finding what he thought to be his next meal, Gallo told of his purposes there, and found this Darkmoon myth interesting. A good opportunity to gain even more power, he decided to assist him on his quest.
Will he turn heart and share the spoils with the clan? Or will he give in to nature and take it for himself?
Stats Block
Gender: Male
Pack Role: Lead Hunter- Stalker
Pack Ranking: Beta
2 Best Stats: Smarts, Strength
Disposition: Chaotic Impure
Pairbond: N/A
Chosen?: No