Pssht! Come on, you have more fight in you than that! This is no fun.
Raiju is not exactly what he seems- or acts like. Being a spirit of the woods, he follows the pack for his own entertainment, finding the hunt of mortals thrilling. Putting oneself in danger is the height of his pleasure, often making reckless decisions and costing the hunt. However, being an ancient inhabitant to the lands, nothing can outrun Raiju, as he knows his home better than anything currently residing inside.
Although he has little respect for the pack, he finds the Vanatori a formidable force, and above all, entertaining. Hence his current, but temporary residence among them.
Stats Block
Gender: Male
Pack Role: Hunter- Chaser
Pack Ranking: Honorary
2 Best Stats: Speed, Smarts
Disposition: Rebel Impure
Pairbond: N/A
Chosen?: No