Befriended in the Tundra as a yearling Megalodon M
T3/T* heirs (name)🦈
Non-heir offspring (subtitle)Û¸
Keep T3/T* daughters with 450+ adult stats
Befriending Level 1 Stats: Strength 56, Speed 57, Agility 55, Wisdom 63, Smarts 48, Total 279
Level 2: +2 smarts, +1 wisdom, +1 agility
Level 3: +3 smarts, +2 wisdom, +1 agility
Level 4: +4 smarts, +2 wisdom, +1 agility, +1 speed
Level 5: +4 smarts, +3 wisdom, +1 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility
Level 6: +4 wisdom, +4 smarts, +2 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility
Level 7: +6 smarts, +4 wisdom, +2 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility
Level 8: +7 smarts, +5 wisdom, +2 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility
Level 9: +8 wisdom, +6 smarts, +2 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility
Level 10: +7 wisdom, +7 smarts, +2 strength, +2 agility, +2 speed
Level 11: +8 smarts, +7 wisdom, +3 speed, +2 agility, +2 strength
Level 12: +9 wisdom, +8 smarts, +3 agility, +2 speed, +2 strength
Level 13: +10 smarts, +9 wisdom, +3 strength, +2 agility, +2 speed
Level 14:
• You see New Befriended Wolf carefully organising their belongings, paying little attention to anything else. They don't notice you until you are close enough to press your nose into their shoulder to get their attention.
• When Hyper of the Tundra brings you a gift with a confident smile, you know that they spent a considerable amount of their time picking the perfect thing. You appreciate it as much as the gift itself. (Gained 1x Ibis Feather! 1x Acorn! 1x Owl Talon! 1x Grouse Feather!)
• You find Hyper of the Tundra🦈 carefully inspecting every inch of their nest for bugs, failing to notice your presence.