Goddamnit, what have I done?
It was the early foggy morning, and the Vanatori was just returning from a successful elk hunt when they spotted a strange figure lying on the ground in the middle of a clearing. Vârcolac padded up to it carefully, noting the strange surroundings. The dark wolf seemed to lie in the center of an arrangement of sticks and rocks, though not random by any account.
They seemed to form a strange symbol underneath, with ash and smouldering wood scattered around. The air lingered with a pungent rotten scent, although the wolf seemed to be breathing. Before he could poke it, it awoke with a start, jumping to its' paws, hackles standing on end. Vârcolac only found it more amusing as the wolf bore its fangs, slowly scanning the rest of the group.
"Woah there, grizzly. You sure got a lotta fight in you. Want a snack? That usually calms me down." Vârcolac suggests, nodding towards the elk.
After the wolf's stomach growled loudly, it agreed and followed them back to the pack, chowing down as if it hadn't eaten in days.
Stats Block
Gender: They/Them
Pack Role: None
Pack Ranking: Sentinel
2 Best Stats: Smarts, Wisdom
Disposition: Neutral Evil
Pairbond: N/A
Chosen?: Yes