This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 1 rollover! She has a nest, and should give birth safely. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Cera is an absolute monster in both appearance and size, coming to a whopping 94cm (~37 inches) at shoulder height, marking her as even larger than most male wolves. She has a lanky, agile build, and her fur is prickly and coarse, being quite oily to touch. All of her extra eyes function as normal eyes do, and the flames at her paws are harmless.
Ever since she was born, strange things are about Cera. She doesn't seem quite right coat-wise, bearing colors that neither of her parents have...
Is it a result of being born while the lands were corrupt...?
Despite her oddities, she is not some horrific creature, just a little on the overconfident side at times, always being so sure of herself, unlike her more timid sister. Cera loves her sister to bits, and will gladly stand up for her if necessary, she even acts as a mouth-piece for the more ghostly-appearing wolf, seeing as Bubinga is mute. Cera is cheerful and excitable, and very on the talkative side. She vows to make sure she is a valuable member of her pack.
After King Oliva's death, Cera was promoted to being an Advisor, and swears to do her best for her pack.
Cera didn't expect to so suddenly fall for two wolves that were not born within the pack, but she immensely cares for Ferrugem and Speckles, and would go through hell and back to protect them.