This wolf is currently nursing at least one puppy! She will wean her offspring in 1 rollover! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Kitsune was a somewhat absent-minded puppy. More than once her mother caught her seemingly doing nothing, staring at the stars or the leaves of a tree, lost in her own head. This worried the matriarch, fearing for her safety when she grew up. But in the end... Her worry was unfounded.
After going through the naming ceremony, Kitsune tried out some of the adult roles, and eventually found herself on the same path as her mother. Her imagination allowed her to get her cubs' undivided attention - a challenge for anyone! - with made-up stories and creative games.
She took her mother's place among the pupsitters when she reached adulthood, and her creative mind also led her to join the board, alongside her brother. Although she is not the most active member of the meetings due to her care for the puppies, her creative imagination has come in handy more than once among the board members.