This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 7 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
Appearance Changes:
-Used a Marking Removal on OMG???ᴺᴮᵂ (#11254408) to remove Honey Tamaskan Unders with opacity 64% from Slot 10.
-Used a Marking Applicator on OMG???ᴺᴮᵂ (#11254408) and added marking White Cheek Fluff in slot 10 at 66% opacity.
-Used a Marking Opacity Changer on OMG???ᴺᴮᵂ (#11254408) and adjusted the marking opacity in slot 8 to 5% opacity. Old opacity was: 51%.
-Used a Marking Opacity Changer on OMG???ᴺᴮᵂ (#11254408) and adjusted the marking opacity in slot 4 to 10% opacity. Old opacity was: 49%.
-Used a Marking Applicator on OMG???ᴺᴮᵂ (#11254408) and added marking White Toes in slot 5 at 87% opacity.
-Your chosen wolf howls with a deep, somber rasp. Spooky. (Henna Shadow)
-Your chosen wolf is excited to show off their new fancy markings! (Opal Freckles)
-RMAs used for Black Arapawa Coat: 26