First litter of Quo and Wuros, along with her sister.
Name means: pretty, lively, confident and self-assured
Year 4: Sa'outh is a rambunctious young wolf with a strong aversion to work. She'd rather be playing or sunbathing all day, and does her best to avoid her pupsitters.
Year 5: Sa'outh becomes close with Um-Un-Un - a silent wolf from the North with a mysterious past - after she helps nurse him back to health. Um-un-un's near-death experience in the river rapids has made him a contemplative wolf, but they love each other dearly. Sa'outh doesn't mind the quiet much, being a talkative wolf herself, but is always hoping for the rare occasions Um-un-un recounts his experiences with the local human population.
By the end of the year both wolves enjoy being parents, and have successfully raised many pups from their two litters together.
Year 6: After Fhua struggles with motherhood, Sa'outh fully expects one of her pups to be chosen as the next leader. She and Um-un-un agree to train themselves harder, and put their all into raising strong and confident offspring.
Sa'outh would never admit it, but she doesn't have much faith in her uncle. Deep down she's afraid her pups won't have the aptitude for leadership either, but anything would be better than Yai's lack of presence.
Year 7:
Customisation plans