This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 6 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Training: Chasing and Escaping:
During the lesson: Thunder demanded a hundred laps around the den today. It was meant to build "maximal oxygen uptake" and some other complex adult stuff any pup would be way too tired to understand.
Bird Watching:
During the lesson: Not only was the nesting material important, but the right spot and the right time matter, too. Eva learned how to choose wisely and save a lot of time.
During the lesson: Thunder taught the class about wind direction and scents that can reveal your position if the threat is downwind. Turns out Eva is the best at hiding if she just rolls in the dirt first!
During the lesson: Eva learned how to use the environment to her advantage, to successfully muffle all the sounds she made. Eva and her littermates were stalking each other, changing their roles from time to time.
Begginer Foraging:
During the lesson: Eva tried using her tongue to recognize the herb by taste, but Legend rushed to lecture the class about toxic plants. Better safe than sorry!
Basic Hunting:
During the lesson: Eva caught sight of a bushy gray tail darting under a bush and acted quickly under Hydra's watchful gaze. She only managed to catch a clump of gray fur from the squirrel, but her speed was improving!
Killing Effectively:
During the lesson: The carcass was tied to the tree today. Eva had to grab onto it and with gravity's help, tear it apart with a shearing technique! Family: Mother: Fleet Father: Cinnamon ☕❤️ NBW Brothers: Damon and Wolfgang Half-Brothers: Peary and Porcupine Mate: Permafrost