This wolf is currently nursing at least one puppy! She will wean her offspring in 5 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
The Cherokee name for the Deer Woman is Ani Yunwitsandsdi. Deer Woman is one of the Little People: among the Cherokee they are called Ani Yunwitsandsdi; among the Choctaw Hutuk Awasa, literally "little men." The function of the Little People is similar to the function of the fairies of Europe; sometimes to the Bogeyman of America.
It is often told that the Deer Woman will lure violent men or those who have committed violent crimes into the forest to kill them to avenge and protect the victims. It is often said that the Deer Woman was created out of an act of violence. The story goes that a woman was raped and left for dead in the forest. A stag heard her cries for help and ran to save her but once the stag reached the woman, the man was gone and the woman was dead. The stag revived her and she became a spiritual being that roamed the forest protecting women and other victims from violence.
You approach Ani Yunwitsandsdi to ask if they'd be willing to help an older wolf make a comfortable nest. Without hesitation they agree and trot off in the direction of the older wolf.