Kiko had a pretty good upbringing, considering he was able to grow up surrounded with only upmost care and love from friends and family. Kiko and Miko are Ariah's eldest children and her first sons, so they've been around to see the pack grow and flourish!
As a younger pup, and even now, he enjoys sneaking off time to time just a little way from the pack to get a glimpse of the 'outside world.' Being one of Ariah's kids meant he was sheltered quite a bit and has limited freedom when it comes down to adventuring. He'd take advantage of the days and nights the pack was slightly slacking off and sneak off for a little adventure, sometimes he'd bring Miko, most times he'd go alone.
Kiko always felt a little pained seeing his mother do her best to lead. It frustrated him to no end seeing people behave hostile towards her, take advantage of her sweet personality, or show ill intent when she was just trying to do the best she could with such little experience she had leading a growing group. But he could only do so much in his position while maintaining a good reputation.
Kiko always imagined himself leading the pack one day with Miko at his side, but as he grows older, he's began to realize Ariah's bound to have more stronger, smarter, and overall better pups that were better potential heirs. At first, he was upset, but the more he thinks of it the more he's began to come to terms with not being able to be the lead wolf one day, it meant more time for him to be with friends and family, and more time for adventuring after all!