Welcome to the 'ᨒ Gracious Hills Pack' Page! Any puppies from whoever my current lead wolf is will be marked with a 'ᨒ' just for me to keep track of who my next heir could possibly be! I typically want to try to keep my wolves color palettes natural, but I may have the occasional colorful wolf! I often have spare food so anyone's more than welcome to message me if you need some!!ヾ(≧▽≦)
- Alliances!
- After inadvertently wandering into the territory of the Dratini Pack, led by the brave and resilient she-wolf Solana, Ariah was fortunate enough to gain Solana's mercy. Recognizing that Ariah meant no harm, Solana chose to spare her, and a bond of a sisterly, companionable alliance was formed. Now, the two packs watch over each other, ensuring that no harm comes to the other!