Husky, a male wolf dog, traveled through the mountains on his own, almost dying in a horrible blizzard, a red pelted wolf dragged him into a cave, and took him into the pack. At the time, the male was just Red pelt, son of Vera wing, the queen of the Shadow of secrets pack, the two hit it off fast, becoming very close very fast.
As Vera wing got older, she got sick, and red pelt was forced into her duties the worse she got, Husky stayed with him through everything, gaining the role of Beta and top hunter even at a young age. As time went on, it became apparent to him, he was developing feelings for his best friend, soon to be king, he hadn't a clue what to do!
The day Vera wing passed and Red pelt was to take her place, he invited Husky to join him upon the highest peak where he would not only gain his bird companion, but his new name. Red pelt took his oath, before the body of his mother, who was later buried where all the past kings and queens before have. Then the trek began, up the mountain they went.
At the top, after all the ceremony, the bonding had been complete, Red pelt, now Red wing, turned to Husky, and confessed he had feelings for Husky, which, sent the male over the moon! The two ended up together, the only question "But how will we continue the pack line?"