Befriended as a T3 F in the Tundra.
Future Look
Befriending stats: Strength 48, Speed 53, Agility 58, Wisdom 47, Smarts 52, Total 258
Level 2: +2 speed, +1 agility, +1 wisdom
Level 3: +3 speed, +2 agility, +1 wisdom
Level 4: +4 speed, +2 agility, +1 wisdom, +1 strength
Level 5: +4 speed, +3 agility, +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
Level 6:
New Befriended Wolf wags their tail and comes as close as they can before placing something in front of your paws. They say that they simply know it will make your day even better than it already is. (Gained 1x Skua Feather! 1x Blue Jay Feather! 1x Muskrat Carcass! 1x Toucan Feather!)