Born without the comfort of a pack, Sloane was raised by a lone she-wolf who had been cast out from her homeland. Early life was a struggle, and Sloane learned from a young age to fend for herself in various ways. By the time Sloane's mother had passed, she was already a year old and prepared for the dangers of the world. In her travels she found Senja. The two got along quite well given their similar personalities, and the two have remained together since. Though Sloane is just as cynical as her companion, she has an inner core that yearns for the world to be a better place.
It seems like an ideal day, but Sloane is insistent that something is bound to go wrong.
As usual, every time you think you've had a bad day, Sloane proves it's not so bad. According to them, theirs is always worse and they're ready to describe in detail exactly why.
Sloane gives you a tired smile before launching into their usual complaints. They suddenly stop to show you something among their belongings and offer it to you. They don't want it, so it's yours now.
[Scouting] Sloane lowers down into a big stretch as you talk to them and darts off with hardly a word.