Name Information: Named after his white fur, and mostly after my male Vienna (Blue Eyed White) Purebred Doublemaned Lionhead Dwarf rabbit, who is named after Light Yagami from Death Note.
Volcano/Geological Information: None, but there is a tornado!
Lore: Light was befriended by Kiche when he was about a year and a half. He bonded to Summit. Light specializes in tornadoes; how and in what weather conditions they form, and in tracking and reacting to their movements. He is adept at keeping his hunting party safe from them while on hunts.
Biological/Customization Information: Customized to FALSE ALBINO (Red-Eyed White)
201 Stats when befriended.
Line Information:
Pairing: B of G1
False Albino; Original Line; Generation 1; String B
(Offspring = String B; breed Offspring to String A Offspring)