Fever is the founder and undisputed leader of the
Grinning Pack. She’s a cheerful, outgoing wolf who comes off as mildly creepy
at times due to her fascination with illness and death. Fever isn’t
particularly strong or agile, but she’s very clever and has a silver tongue.
This comes in handy when she’s attempting to recruit new wolves to her slightly
cult-ish pack.
Fever started the Grinning Pack’s most unusual tradition;
wolves that plan to stay must take on the name of an illness or symptom. She
believes that a wolf with an “unhealthy” name is less appetizing for wandering
ghosts, monsters spirits that cause misfortune and sickness. Some of her
packmates aren’t too pleased with their new monikers, but most embrace them
readily enough.
Fever also insists that the pack strive towards one goal; to
live as blissfully as possible. They’re all a bunch of hedonists who try to
find joy in everything they do. Fever doesn’t tolerate bad attitudes or
pessimism, and wolves lacking cheerful dispositions may find themselves chased
out of the territory. The Grinning Pack
often seems unnerving to outsiders as a result. It’s not possible for everybody
to be happy all the time, right?