Joined in the eighth summer of The Sanctuary Pack
Mate: Daisy
Ympe is a very strange wolf to The Sanctuary Pack; a bit of a dreamer,
he speaks in riddles and vague terms, talking about the sprites of the
woods as if he knows them better than he knows his fellow wolves. He’s
friendly enough, and good with the pack’s pups- he says they’re “closer
to the sprites”- but he’s struggled to make friends at Sanctuary. The
other wolves don’t know quite what to make of him– though Carniassial,
as always, is happy to add another oddball to her little troupe of
misfits, and is closest to him.
Naming Conventions: More properly, Ympe is The
Ympe. He explains it’s a title given to those who act as a bridge
between the world of wolves and the world of sprites, and that he’s one
in a long line of Ympes.
(out of lore explaination; the name
comes from the old english retelling of the orpheus myth, ‘Sir Orfeo’,
(instead of dying, eurydice is kidnapped by the faerie king) in which a
grafted tree- an Ympe tree- is the site of faerie happenings and in some
interpretations can be seen as a point of passage between the normal
and faerie worlds).

origins are somewhat mysterious; he wanders the land as a sort of
nomad, joining packs where he believes the sprites gather. He’s joined
The Pack at Sanctuary to advise them on how to please- or avoid
angering- the sprites of the pack’s territory. As many of The Pack’s
most experienced wolves are retiring, the Sanctuary wolves are in need
of new wolves to help them out, and Ympe is welcomed as a pupsitter, no
matter how odd he may be.