Terra traveled to these lands from a far away pack, having dispersed from her birth pack as a yearling due to territory constraints. Her previous pack, the Silver Moon Pack, resides in lands much further away than the mountains she now resides in.
Fairly quickly, Terra encountered another lone dispersal, Arctic. He helped her get accustomed to the rules of the lands she found herself in, and the two eventually began to travel together as friends, and soon after that, as mates. The two eventually discovered the territory where their pack now resides, and Terra took in other dispersals who were wandering the area. Terra and Arctic settled down with their new pack, eventually becoming a fair presence throughout their territory.
Terra was the first wolf among her pack to develop the Moonsight ability, and initially was incredibly worried as other members of the pack developed similar abilities. However, after doing some sreaching around for information, Terra eventually took to understanding and even welcoming the strange gift. Her Moonsight is the most powerful among the entire pack, alongside Arctic's, and she actively encourages the growth and use of Moonsight among her fellows.