Blizzard was the first wolf Ash had seen in a long time. There was no hesitation, Ash followed her without question. Ash belonged to Gaika Pack now, the pack of Victory Songs.
Ash was proud of Stone and Shade, maybe they didn't quite have his handsome looks but they weren't bad. Besides, Stone and Shade would soon be old enough to hunt or scout, and more hunters means more food.
Ash would be expecting more pups soon. Koi's two pups, and Wind's two. Four pups, that is, if they all lived. And if they were strong enough to help the pack. Weak pups... well. It's more merciful to chase them off then let them weaken the rest of the pack.
Ash enjoyed watching his pups grow. Shade and Stone were adolescents now and they managed to keep out of trouble by watching their younger half-brother Stain. Carnation, Rock and Stain were all getting more active and playful. Stain was walking with a limp now from playing too hard. Ash would have to talk to Stone and Shade about that. The three youngest pups Silver, Leaf, and Snow were all pretty cute. Blizzard asked Ash to be their pupsitter for awhile, so he knew them very well.