House Nuvelle - Viscount - Guardians of the Western Coast
✨Minor Crest of Noa Macuil, Totally✨
Although House Nuvelle is quite small and tends to keep to itself, Madlen von Nuvelle is a wolf with certain ambitions. She hopes to bring her holdings greater acclaim, and to make her family as well-respected as they ought to be--none of that foolishness about sitting around in the shadows, hiding from the rest of the Empire! Unfortunately, she can come off a bit strong, and she is not a particularly kind individual. Should someone get in the way of her bold ambitions, she will not hesitate to cut them off with a cruel word or a snide remark. But she isn't a heartless vagabond--she would never go so far as to scheme against the life of a rival. She would only gossip about them behind their back and ruin their relationships and career, that's all!