Learned today that Dubhglas can be a right bastard training little pups.
"During the lesson: Today, *Dubhglas 629 C convinced some ospreys to chase Chocolate M 336 Puppy out in the open plains. The real, physical threat of the talons really motivated little paws to do their best."
L14 590 16 Aug
L13 556 9 Aug
L12 526 4 Aug
L11 499 30 July
L10 474 26 July
L9 449 21 July
L8 427 20 July
L7 410 18 July
L6 395 18 July
L5 382 17 July
L4 371 16 July
L3 363 15 July
Begin Scouting 15 July
L2 351 5 July 21
*NAP Black M 351 Birth stats
Joined pack 19 June 21 Keep