There's a fight coming and I'm ready for it. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm always ready for a fight. I generally prefer a little healthy competition with my brothers while we're chasing, but I'm not opposed to an actual fight. I've been watching the pack. I think we can all feel it coming. Tensions between wolves are high and we're all a little snippy with each other. And tired. Labradorite's been working us hard, sending us to the farthest corners of our world to hunt and scout. I'm tired, my siblings are tired, the scouts are tired. I know I've been snapping at Essex more lately. But I just can't stand his goody-two-shoes attitude. Always going on about how 'the leader knows what's best'. Well. I for one, am tired of following 'the leader', whether that's Essex or Labradorite. I'm gonna do my own thing. Who knows, maybe I'll end up at the head of this fight that's brewing.
On Cassiterite's side
Gender: trans female
Sexuality: ?
Mate: None
Children: None
Siblings: Essexite, Gneiss, Eclogite, Ore
Parents: Coal and Pumice
Hunter nickname: Amp