A few medium chunks of edible scraps from a carcass!
Redtrout chased her first serious prey today, surprised that rabbits can jump that far and that fast. Adults made it look so easy!
Graystone instructed Redtrout to be careful with herbs, as not all the parts could be used for medicines and it was also dependent on their growth cycle. Redtrout learned when and where to gather the most necessary herbs.
Treeheart was serious as they explained that even the best hiding spot won't save your life if you reveal yourself too soon. Redtrout learned how to limit body movement and noise in dangerous situations.
With Graystone overseeing the ordeal, Redtrout had to organize, coordinate and help the group move an entire fallen log out of the den. Tiny pups lack the strength on their own, but cooperating as a team can get things done!