It's a small victory.
Ashwind explained to Hornetsting how wet fur is not a good idea, especially in the winter. She demonstrated how to find rocks and dry patches to cross a creek or a river instead of swimming across it.
Treeheart showed Hornetsting how to properly put herbs together to make a medicine, and how much of each. Hornetsting copied Treeheart while he explained what each herb is good for when combined with another.
Hornetsting listened carefully to Nightfall's lecture about how biting and tussling aren't allowed during teamwork. That was a bit disappointing, but Hornetsting was ready for the hard work.
Hornetsting learned a camouflage technique today - rolling in mud, dirt and herbivore poop distracted Nightfall enough to steal the toy from under her paws! Nightfall congratulated him on his cleverness.
Nightfall brought a massive branch today and asked all participants to grab onto it with their jaws and hang as long as possible. It looked hilarious as they walked around the den like this for a long while, but Hornetsting determinedly kept his jaw shut and ignored the giggles of the other pups.
Nightfall rolled the toy in deceptive scents today - dung, dead fish and even an ant hill! Hornetsting had to focus really hard to separate multiple scents entangled together to find the toy.
Hornetsting was a bit disappointed with his voice after the next howling attempt but adults always say that it will change for the better with time. Hornetsting believed them, but can't that day come sooner?