Born with 650 Stats
STR - 158 (+15)
SPD - 102
AGI - 154 (+15)
WIS - 116
SMR - 120
Finished Pup Training with +30 Stats (STR + AGI)
Adol Training in Scounting:
• 6 Month old - 650 STATS joined the scouting session as an apprentice, and gained +5 Scouting Proficiency and +1 smarts.
• 6½ Month old - 650 STATS joined the scouting session as an apprentice, and gained +4 Scouting Proficiency and +1 smarts.
• 7 Month old - 650 STATS joined the scouting session as an apprentice, and gained +4 Scouting Proficiency and +1 speed.
• 7½ Month old - 650 STATS joined the scouting session as an apprentice, and gained +3 Scouting Proficiency and +2 speed.
• 8 Month old - 650 STATS joined the scouting session as an apprentice, and gained +4 Scouting Proficiency and +1 agility.
• 8½ Month old - 650 STATS joined the scouting session as an apprentice, and gained +5 Scouting Proficiency and +1 speed.
• 9 Month old - 650 STATS gained +4 finishing proficiency points (new total: 4) from observing the hunt. +1 strength (new total: 159)
• 9½ Month old - 650 STATS (+ 30 STR + AG) gained +3 finishing proficiency points (new total: 6) from observing the hunt. +1 strength (new total: 160)
650 STATS (+ 30 STR + AG) (#2756330) aged up! He gained the following from training in puppyhood: +15 Agility, +15 Strength!