Born with 198 Stats
STR - 39
SPD - 41(+9)
AGI - 37
WIS - 38 (+9)
SMR - 41 (+ 27)
Finished Pup Training with +45 Stats (SMR + WIS + SPD)
Adol Training in Stalking:
• 6 Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +5 stalking proficiency points (new total: 5) from observing the hunt. +1 smarts.
• 6½ Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +3 stalking proficiency points (new total: 7) from observing the hunt. +1 smarts.
• 7 Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +3 stalking proficiency points (new total: 9) from observing the hunt. +1 wisdom (new total: 39)
• 7½ Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +5 stalking proficiency points (new total: 13) from observing the hunt. +1 wisdom (new total: 40)
• 8 Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +3 stalking proficiency points (new total: 15) from observing the hunt. +1 wisdom (new total: 41)
• 8½ Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +4 stalking proficiency points (new total: 18) from observing the hunt. +1 wisdom (new total: 42)
• 9 Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +4 stalking proficiency points (new total: 20) from observing the hunt. +1 smarts (new total: 44)
• 9½ Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +5 stalking proficiency points (new total: 20) from observing the hunt. +1 smarts (new total: 45)
• 10 Month old - KEEP G5 8xBO gained +4 stalking proficiency points (new total: 20) from observing the hunt. +1 smarts (new total: 46)