While most pups are born into Silverfell, or rescued from the wild after being abandoned, Avalon walked into the camp herself. She approached Warcry with a stick, calling it her sword, and asked to join. Warcry is the mascot of the Anarchists and was stunned by such a brave, yet probably foolish pup but was impressed with how the puppy seemed to be thriving on their own. She allowed it.
Training for Avalon began immediately. Starting with strength because speed and wisdom were what Silverfell was best at, so the anarchists focus on their weaknesses, which is strength. Avalon has never trained before and is excited at the thought of becoming more than an adventurer. She will become a elite warrior. One whose name is sung throughout the lands.
She has grown a close bond with Tamriel, they go on adventures together and being from distant lands, they relate to one another. After a long time of travel and exploring and fighting side by side, Tamriel finally admitted her feelings. Making them the second lesbian pairing in Silverfell and the most open about it. They continue to adventure together and share their stories every day and with both being scouts, they always have more to share.