ID #3162787
This wolf is immortal! It will never age or die. It cannot be bred or used in roles, or retired into.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.

Currents | |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Confident |
Breeding Information | |
Pups Bred | 579 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Bronze (0.18%) |
Base Genetics | Muted Dark III |
Eyes | Lumino |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Lusxnei |
Claws | Lusxnei |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | View Report |
Variant | Default |
Slot 1 | Losna Inverted Agouti (55% : T3) |
Slot 2 | Black Shoulder Patch (75% : T0) |
Slot 3 | White Tuxedo (28% : T1) |
Slot 4 | Auburn Predator (36% : T6) |
Slot 5 | White Tamaskan Unders (41% : T7) |
Slot 6 | Gray Tamaskan Unders (38% : T7) |
Slot 7 | Dark Brown Rump (52% : T1) |
Slot 8 | Moonlight Ornate Stripes (40% : T3) |
Slot 9 | Moss Smudge Heavy (25% : T3) |
Slot 10 | Doubloon Dorsal (15% : T6) |
Theme: Monsters by All Time Low ft. blackbear
It's been almost a week since Pride had gone missing, the pack seemingly in a frenzy to try and find their icon. Cupru merely stood amongst the crowd, here and there being side-eyed by his packmates. The male only spoke in monotone whilst padding off, "I'm off to search... alone."
The shadows of the night seemed to cast a form on the lunar hues of his pelt. Cupru, who was a mere wolf coated in the color of a shiny, moonlight-driven bronze, was now jet black. His eyes remained the same. His jaws... oh, his jaws, were merely enlarged, his canines almost creating a dangerous overbite to those who dared cross paths with him. The wolf before, was now changed... a changeling, so to speak. Cupru let out a spine-chilling howl before setting off into the night. The yellowish green orbs that occurred during Pride's disappearance seemed to follow the changeling wherever he may bound. Where he was going was beyond what any wolf could imagine...
This segment of the Coigreach lore has content warnings. If you are easily startled by word of animal violence, blood, being skinned alive (yes, I have to be exact, which is shameful in itself
) and murder, I advise skipping this. A TL;DR will be provided after this segment to summarize the lore without the in-depth details.
Trails of blood and horrific gore lay in his wake as the changeling kept moving along at a rapid pace. If something were to meet his path... It wouldn't see the light of day. The jet black maw was now drenched in crimson, his teeth stained pink. Cupru would not, and rather could not, end this spree. It was beyond his control, as if the wisps that accompanied him drove him to insanity and to the verge of a massacre.
The changeling raised his head in yet another spine-chilling howl, a mere grizzly bear staring dead pan at the odd creature before it. Cupru's eerie lumino eyes stared back, his maw parting ever so slightly to ready for another victim. The grizzly reared up, standing on its hind legs in hopes to size up and scare Cupru. However, this would be the last moment this grizzly would remember. Cupru launched forward right at the grizzly's unprotected neck, sinking deeply and messily into the tough flesh. The bear had no chance, and Cupru took full advantage of it. He released his grip, blood heavily oozing from the bear's open wound. The changeling snarled, sinking his claws right under the bear's fur. He yanked upwards, dragged the pelt right off the bear and aiming towards its head. The bear groaned in pain as he continued. Once the pelt was gone, Cupru dug away the flesh around the bear's skull, ripping and tearing every spot he could manage.
The grizzly had long passed at this point, but Cupru kept going until only the skull remained. Placing his claws in the eye sockets, it was only one swift yank with the strength he had to swipe it. The changeling planted the skull right upon his head, his lumino eyes piercing the night. Wisps floated around him in amazement, a few settling where the bear's eyes would have been. Now completely camoflauged of his former self, Cupru padded off into the forest for more destruction to be made.
TL;DR: Cupru in changeling form decided to yeet a bear, steal its skull, wear it, and now have wisps living as substitute eyes to cover his current lumino. He a camoflagued boy now :)
Once the sound of the howl echoed through the forest, Cupru's packmates began to search as to where the male had went. It wasn't uncommon of him at the time to go solo into the forest, but with the constant howling and- Wait... The group scented the air, before staring right at their paws. A pup, whom had been out training with the group at the time screamed in pure fear, the mutilated wake of corpses scattered amongst the clearing. "Holy shit-" One had murmured, lowering their nose to the carcasses, "Of course something was here, but stay close everyone... We don't want to end up like that-" The pup that had wailed was quietly sobbing, trying to step over pools of blood and the corpses of the animals before them without much avail.
After the sun began to rise, the forest seemed all too quiet. The camoflagued Cupru, masked by a bear skull and his accompanying will o' wisps as his eyes of both the skies and his own, made haste to shelter in a nearby cave. Who would be of say to see a strange wolf in the grounds, waiting for something..?
The group returned at dawn with no legible evidence behind Cupru's "disappearance", reporting to Lumina Lunii about the case. Without a moment's hesitation, she ran to the Hill's Peak and called for wolves to gather.
"It has come to haste attention of mine and a search party that there has been a massacre in the forest. Corpses of all creatures of all sizes were recently mauled to death by an unknown enemy. A bear was also seen without a head, meeting the same fate as the others. I advise and exercise extreme caution. If you do see this massacrer, I advise no contact unless in a life or death situation where you yourself are at risk of perishing. I will not let this Moonlight Massacrer take this pack down so swiftly. You are all dismissed."
To pass by time in the cave, the changeling practiced his leaping skills by swiping resting bats off the ceiling. Frantic flaps and squeaks of the flying mammals echoed within, but after a few deaths, it was clear even they wanted to stay quiet to avoid being spotted by their murderer. The changeling smirked, speaking of foreign tongue, "O chreutairean cho lag ... Mar a thuiteas na cumhachdan. Fìor nàire nach eil na creutairean sin a 'cumail cuideam sam bith ann an saoghal cho dìomhain." [Translation: "Oh such frail creatures... How the mighty do fall. Truly a shame that these creatures hold no importance in such a world of vain."] He chuckled lightly, reminiscing of the moonlight slaughter just a few ticks of the sun prior, "Hehehe, cha do sheas am mathan sin a-riamh cothrom, nas lugha na creutair sam bith a bha air mo shlighe. 'Leig leam seasamh air mo chasan gu /eagal/ ort! Bheir e gu dearbh crith dhut!' HA!" [Translation: "Hehehe, that bear never stood a chance, no less than any creature that was in my way. 'Let me stand on my hind legs to /scare/ you! It will surely make you tremble!' HA!"] Cupru began to cackle, flopping on his back in laughter.
Days grew to weeks, and weeks grew to almost a month while the changeling hid in his cave, scavenging for wandering, lost souls to brutally take advantage of. Cupru's muzzle wrinkled, twirling bones around, here and there chucking skulls at the cave's walls to hear the delightful sound of cracked bone. As if fine china wasn't existent... He scoffed, grumbling something inaudible before stepping out into the night. The wisps trailed behind as his loathed companions, but he couldn't quite shake their everlasting presence.
Trotting to now full sprinting, the changeling made haste through the forest, like a shadow in the night. A scent lingered in the air... Familiar, but not quite recognizable. The changeling slowed his pace, letting the wisps take charge of his sight as he continued. He raised his muzzle, bristling his pelt before stopping abruptly. A large... bison? In the middle of the forest? Oh... This would for a royal trophy in his... shattered case.
Cupru licked his chaps, slowly making his closer in a stalking position, making a very large circle around the bison. As he slowly drew in, the scent of familiarity grew until the sudden spark dawned on him. "Uaill?" [Translation: "Pride?"] The changeling whispered, slightly letting down his guard. The bison, once in closer view, seemed to have a rainbow tint to them, unlike the natural fauna that his pack hunted.
The wisps bobbed around Cupru, floating close and almost over his eyes. The changeling snarled quietly, trying to swat them away but they only kept coming back... More on the lines of tempting to do the inevitable, his destiny persay...
"Slay the beast... No one will know, they'll only keep assuming he's missing... He's nothing to you, and you know it. Do it, now. Slay him, and forever feel grateful that he won't be the predecessor who lives on longer than you, in spirit and in flesh..." The wisps spoke in hush in his mind, Cupru wide-eyed and frazzled. The changeling let out a louder snarl, snapping to them in a harsh, average-volumed tone, "Fàg mi a bhith! Cha do rinn mi dad ach gèilleadh, agus is e seo an làimhseachadh a gheibh mi? Tha thu uile ag iarraidh barrachd... Ach cuin a bhios e gu leòr?" [Translation: "Leave me be! I've done nothing but obey, and this is the treatment I receive? You all beg for more... But when will it be enough?"]
The bison's ears rose at the sound of a snarl, making haste in the opposite direction. "Sìol-" [Translation: "Shit-"] The changeling barked under his breath, trailing behind at a steady pace.
Cupru kept pace behind the rainbow-hued Wisent, his tone of worry overshadowed by the greed of the will o' wisps, a forceful, hungry look on his maw and wisped eyes. The bison just kept running, it just seemed it never ran out of speed.
The changeling just couldn't keep up, the energy of the wisps and his own being finally seeming to catch up to him. He panted, stopping to a hault to relieve his aching lungs, the wisps floating around and smacking the male with all the force they could muster to tell him to keep going. Cupru muttered, staggering breaths inbetween, "Chan eil barrachd, chan eil barrachd ... Mo sgamhanan- Bha thu uile a 'guidhe, agus a' guidhe ort, agus a 'coimhead air a' bhuil ... Thu ... Dh'fhàillig thu-" [Translation: "No more, no more... My lungs- You all begged, and begged, and look at the outcome... You... You failed-"] The changeling soon after fainted, his jet black pelt fading away slowly with the colors of the will o' wisps vanishing into the night.
It had been the dawn of the 30th, peeks of sunlight cascaded through the treetops as Cupru let out a weary groan, wincing his eyes from the sudden surge of day. "Ugh... My head... and my lungs wha- What happened?" The moonlight male blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the brightness around him. Once his eyesight seemed decent enough, he scanned the area. Nothing seemed to be irregular nearby... until he glanced down. "JESUS-" He wheezed out, scrambling backwards for a brief moment before mellowing down. "Wait... Pride? What's he... I thought he was missing, how did he-" Cupru scanned the area again, trying to make sense of the situation before it dawned on him, "Wait... How did I get here? Last I remember I was... just leaving the packsite to investigate Pride's disappearance... This, this place is WAY beyond the pack's territory I-"
Soon enough, another groan resided from nearby, the rainbow-hued male finally awakening from his own slumber.
"Pride-!" Cupru spoke, more in worry than shock as he quickly went to aid the weakened. "How- How are you? Are you okay? What- What happened? How did you get here?" Pride blinked, grumbling from his, what seemed forced 'nap', "I... have no idea how I got here... How- How did you get here..?"
The moonlight-enhanced male stared at Pride, dumbfounded, "You... don't know either? Oh jeez... Let's- Let's just head back to the Peak, I'm sure the others are worried sick about you-"
Pride softly nodded and obliged, both making way back to the campsite. Packmates of old and new gathered around the duo, frantically asking questions about where both had went. Neither could genuinely say where, or how, they both managed to stray so far from the packsite.
The mystery of their disappearance hadn't ever been solved, but Cupru can usually be seen... talking to someone. No one would be around, but apparently there was a "kind-spoken male who enjoys his interests and company" that was nearby every time. It... started to weird the pups out, and even some of the elders, as they learned from their life experience that if someone were to talk to themselves... They'd have been driven mad from a clause. Cupru would get aggressively hostile about protecting the nature of his "good friend", confident he hadn't gone insane.
Something... strange happened out here. Will they ever know what truly happened in those woods?
Birthed from Sono, a G1 Bronze stud, and Pristine Oak Bark, a chased sepia lad (now lady) whom I bought at 1y for 75 SC.
Placed on Public Stud Roster on 4 November, 2021.
Base Stud Fee Upon Being Made Public: 3
OR 750 
Cupru -> "Copper" in Romanian
Idea? 2
Money Put Into Him:
• 0 GC - RMAs (5 given from RO rewards, 15 from raffle entries, 1 from raffle prize)
• 11 GC - Marking Removers (8 from raffle entries)
• 0 GC - Marking Opacity Changer (1 from raffle entries)
• 1 GC - Skin Changer (Tan to Black)
• 115 GC - Blue Moon Background
• 0 GC - Featherfull Falcon Custom Decor (Gifted At Random)
• 5 GC & 200 SC Light Fog [Foreground] Custom Decor
• 250 LT - Moonlight Marking Applicator (Applied Moonlight Ornate Stripes [Slot 8: 40%])
• 200 SQ - Moss Marking Applicator (Applied Moss Smudge Heavy [Slot 9: 25%])
• 30 SQ - The Sídhe: Barghest
• 15 SQ Floating Wisp [Small, Low]
• 15 SQ Floating Wisp [Small, High]
• 0 SC - Scar: Eye - Small [Left] (won from battle)
• 0 SC - Scar: Nose (won from battle)
• 0 SC - Background Rocks [Gray] (self-crafted)
• 0 SC - Foreground Rocks [Gray] (self-crafted)
• 0 SC - Owl Talon Necklace (self-crafted)
• 485 SC - Squirrel Carcass Decor (free crafting, cost is of carcasses themselves)
• 375 SC - Rain Drops Decor
• 0 SC - Scarce Understory [Dry] (from raffle entries)
• 150 SC - Gene Testing (Completely Negative)
• 5,500 SC - Attempted Breeding Stud Fees
Total: 132 GC, 250 LT, 260 SQ, and 6,710 SC
Currency Made: 102 GC and 53,250 SC
50k SC Made in Requests: 8 March 2022
T3s Produced: 33 Bronzes (1 in first ever litter!), 9 Seals, 1 Opal, 1 Pyrope, 1 Flint, 2 Serpentines.
Stud Post(s):
🥉 Cupru | G2 Bronze Chaser Stud | Lumino 👀 | 10m7r (MOSS SMDGE HVY) | 700s+ | 3
or 750
| 🥉
Sold Out Weeks: Week of 21 February 2022 (Retirement Sale Began), Week of 28 February 2022, Week of 7 March 2022 (Retirement Sale Ends {Personal Retirement Week Begins}).
Starting Stats: 81 56 54 55 66 -> 312
Current Stats: 148 171 206 99 112 -> 736
1k Stats Achieved: 13 February 2022
Guarana Slapped Into the Man: 4, 2/5 Meat Pie Uses
It's been almost a week since Pride had gone missing, the pack seemingly in a frenzy to try and find their icon. Cupru merely stood amongst the crowd, here and there being side-eyed by his packmates. The male only spoke in monotone whilst padding off, "I'm off to search... alone."
The shadows of the night seemed to cast a form on the lunar hues of his pelt. Cupru, who was a mere wolf coated in the color of a shiny, moonlight-driven bronze, was now jet black. His eyes remained the same. His jaws... oh, his jaws, were merely enlarged, his canines almost creating a dangerous overbite to those who dared cross paths with him. The wolf before, was now changed... a changeling, so to speak. Cupru let out a spine-chilling howl before setting off into the night. The yellowish green orbs that occurred during Pride's disappearance seemed to follow the changeling wherever he may bound. Where he was going was beyond what any wolf could imagine...
This segment of the Coigreach lore has content warnings. If you are easily startled by word of animal violence, blood, being skinned alive (yes, I have to be exact, which is shameful in itself

The changeling raised his head in yet another spine-chilling howl, a mere grizzly bear staring dead pan at the odd creature before it. Cupru's eerie lumino eyes stared back, his maw parting ever so slightly to ready for another victim. The grizzly reared up, standing on its hind legs in hopes to size up and scare Cupru. However, this would be the last moment this grizzly would remember. Cupru launched forward right at the grizzly's unprotected neck, sinking deeply and messily into the tough flesh. The bear had no chance, and Cupru took full advantage of it. He released his grip, blood heavily oozing from the bear's open wound. The changeling snarled, sinking his claws right under the bear's fur. He yanked upwards, dragged the pelt right off the bear and aiming towards its head. The bear groaned in pain as he continued. Once the pelt was gone, Cupru dug away the flesh around the bear's skull, ripping and tearing every spot he could manage.
The grizzly had long passed at this point, but Cupru kept going until only the skull remained. Placing his claws in the eye sockets, it was only one swift yank with the strength he had to swipe it. The changeling planted the skull right upon his head, his lumino eyes piercing the night. Wisps floated around him in amazement, a few settling where the bear's eyes would have been. Now completely camoflauged of his former self, Cupru padded off into the forest for more destruction to be made.
TL;DR: Cupru in changeling form decided to yeet a bear, steal its skull, wear it, and now have wisps living as substitute eyes to cover his current lumino. He a camoflagued boy now :)
Once the sound of the howl echoed through the forest, Cupru's packmates began to search as to where the male had went. It wasn't uncommon of him at the time to go solo into the forest, but with the constant howling and- Wait... The group scented the air, before staring right at their paws. A pup, whom had been out training with the group at the time screamed in pure fear, the mutilated wake of corpses scattered amongst the clearing. "Holy shit-" One had murmured, lowering their nose to the carcasses, "Of course something was here, but stay close everyone... We don't want to end up like that-" The pup that had wailed was quietly sobbing, trying to step over pools of blood and the corpses of the animals before them without much avail.
After the sun began to rise, the forest seemed all too quiet. The camoflagued Cupru, masked by a bear skull and his accompanying will o' wisps as his eyes of both the skies and his own, made haste to shelter in a nearby cave. Who would be of say to see a strange wolf in the grounds, waiting for something..?
The group returned at dawn with no legible evidence behind Cupru's "disappearance", reporting to Lumina Lunii about the case. Without a moment's hesitation, she ran to the Hill's Peak and called for wolves to gather.
"It has come to haste attention of mine and a search party that there has been a massacre in the forest. Corpses of all creatures of all sizes were recently mauled to death by an unknown enemy. A bear was also seen without a head, meeting the same fate as the others. I advise and exercise extreme caution. If you do see this massacrer, I advise no contact unless in a life or death situation where you yourself are at risk of perishing. I will not let this Moonlight Massacrer take this pack down so swiftly. You are all dismissed."
To pass by time in the cave, the changeling practiced his leaping skills by swiping resting bats off the ceiling. Frantic flaps and squeaks of the flying mammals echoed within, but after a few deaths, it was clear even they wanted to stay quiet to avoid being spotted by their murderer. The changeling smirked, speaking of foreign tongue, "O chreutairean cho lag ... Mar a thuiteas na cumhachdan. Fìor nàire nach eil na creutairean sin a 'cumail cuideam sam bith ann an saoghal cho dìomhain." [Translation: "Oh such frail creatures... How the mighty do fall. Truly a shame that these creatures hold no importance in such a world of vain."] He chuckled lightly, reminiscing of the moonlight slaughter just a few ticks of the sun prior, "Hehehe, cha do sheas am mathan sin a-riamh cothrom, nas lugha na creutair sam bith a bha air mo shlighe. 'Leig leam seasamh air mo chasan gu /eagal/ ort! Bheir e gu dearbh crith dhut!' HA!" [Translation: "Hehehe, that bear never stood a chance, no less than any creature that was in my way. 'Let me stand on my hind legs to /scare/ you! It will surely make you tremble!' HA!"] Cupru began to cackle, flopping on his back in laughter.
Days grew to weeks, and weeks grew to almost a month while the changeling hid in his cave, scavenging for wandering, lost souls to brutally take advantage of. Cupru's muzzle wrinkled, twirling bones around, here and there chucking skulls at the cave's walls to hear the delightful sound of cracked bone. As if fine china wasn't existent... He scoffed, grumbling something inaudible before stepping out into the night. The wisps trailed behind as his loathed companions, but he couldn't quite shake their everlasting presence.
Trotting to now full sprinting, the changeling made haste through the forest, like a shadow in the night. A scent lingered in the air... Familiar, but not quite recognizable. The changeling slowed his pace, letting the wisps take charge of his sight as he continued. He raised his muzzle, bristling his pelt before stopping abruptly. A large... bison? In the middle of the forest? Oh... This would for a royal trophy in his... shattered case.
Cupru licked his chaps, slowly making his closer in a stalking position, making a very large circle around the bison. As he slowly drew in, the scent of familiarity grew until the sudden spark dawned on him. "Uaill?" [Translation: "Pride?"] The changeling whispered, slightly letting down his guard. The bison, once in closer view, seemed to have a rainbow tint to them, unlike the natural fauna that his pack hunted.
The wisps bobbed around Cupru, floating close and almost over his eyes. The changeling snarled quietly, trying to swat them away but they only kept coming back... More on the lines of tempting to do the inevitable, his destiny persay...
"Slay the beast... No one will know, they'll only keep assuming he's missing... He's nothing to you, and you know it. Do it, now. Slay him, and forever feel grateful that he won't be the predecessor who lives on longer than you, in spirit and in flesh..." The wisps spoke in hush in his mind, Cupru wide-eyed and frazzled. The changeling let out a louder snarl, snapping to them in a harsh, average-volumed tone, "Fàg mi a bhith! Cha do rinn mi dad ach gèilleadh, agus is e seo an làimhseachadh a gheibh mi? Tha thu uile ag iarraidh barrachd... Ach cuin a bhios e gu leòr?" [Translation: "Leave me be! I've done nothing but obey, and this is the treatment I receive? You all beg for more... But when will it be enough?"]
The bison's ears rose at the sound of a snarl, making haste in the opposite direction. "Sìol-" [Translation: "Shit-"] The changeling barked under his breath, trailing behind at a steady pace.
Cupru kept pace behind the rainbow-hued Wisent, his tone of worry overshadowed by the greed of the will o' wisps, a forceful, hungry look on his maw and wisped eyes. The bison just kept running, it just seemed it never ran out of speed.
The changeling just couldn't keep up, the energy of the wisps and his own being finally seeming to catch up to him. He panted, stopping to a hault to relieve his aching lungs, the wisps floating around and smacking the male with all the force they could muster to tell him to keep going. Cupru muttered, staggering breaths inbetween, "Chan eil barrachd, chan eil barrachd ... Mo sgamhanan- Bha thu uile a 'guidhe, agus a' guidhe ort, agus a 'coimhead air a' bhuil ... Thu ... Dh'fhàillig thu-" [Translation: "No more, no more... My lungs- You all begged, and begged, and look at the outcome... You... You failed-"] The changeling soon after fainted, his jet black pelt fading away slowly with the colors of the will o' wisps vanishing into the night.
It had been the dawn of the 30th, peeks of sunlight cascaded through the treetops as Cupru let out a weary groan, wincing his eyes from the sudden surge of day. "Ugh... My head... and my lungs wha- What happened?" The moonlight male blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the brightness around him. Once his eyesight seemed decent enough, he scanned the area. Nothing seemed to be irregular nearby... until he glanced down. "JESUS-" He wheezed out, scrambling backwards for a brief moment before mellowing down. "Wait... Pride? What's he... I thought he was missing, how did he-" Cupru scanned the area again, trying to make sense of the situation before it dawned on him, "Wait... How did I get here? Last I remember I was... just leaving the packsite to investigate Pride's disappearance... This, this place is WAY beyond the pack's territory I-"
Soon enough, another groan resided from nearby, the rainbow-hued male finally awakening from his own slumber.
"Pride-!" Cupru spoke, more in worry than shock as he quickly went to aid the weakened. "How- How are you? Are you okay? What- What happened? How did you get here?" Pride blinked, grumbling from his, what seemed forced 'nap', "I... have no idea how I got here... How- How did you get here..?"
The moonlight-enhanced male stared at Pride, dumbfounded, "You... don't know either? Oh jeez... Let's- Let's just head back to the Peak, I'm sure the others are worried sick about you-"
Pride softly nodded and obliged, both making way back to the campsite. Packmates of old and new gathered around the duo, frantically asking questions about where both had went. Neither could genuinely say where, or how, they both managed to stray so far from the packsite.
The mystery of their disappearance hadn't ever been solved, but Cupru can usually be seen... talking to someone. No one would be around, but apparently there was a "kind-spoken male who enjoys his interests and company" that was nearby every time. It... started to weird the pups out, and even some of the elders, as they learned from their life experience that if someone were to talk to themselves... They'd have been driven mad from a clause. Cupru would get aggressively hostile about protecting the nature of his "good friend", confident he hadn't gone insane.
Something... strange happened out here. Will they ever know what truly happened in those woods?
Birthed from Sono, a G1 Bronze stud, and Pristine Oak Bark, a chased sepia lad (now lady) whom I bought at 1y for 75 SC.
Placed on Public Stud Roster on 4 November, 2021.
Base Stud Fee Upon Being Made Public: 3

Cupru -> "Copper" in Romanian
Idea? 2
Money Put Into Him:
• 0 GC - RMAs (5 given from RO rewards, 15 from raffle entries, 1 from raffle prize)
• 11 GC - Marking Removers (8 from raffle entries)
• 0 GC - Marking Opacity Changer (1 from raffle entries)
• 1 GC - Skin Changer (Tan to Black)
• 115 GC - Blue Moon Background
• 0 GC - Featherfull Falcon Custom Decor (Gifted At Random)
• 5 GC & 200 SC Light Fog [Foreground] Custom Decor
• 250 LT - Moonlight Marking Applicator (Applied Moonlight Ornate Stripes [Slot 8: 40%])
• 200 SQ - Moss Marking Applicator (Applied Moss Smudge Heavy [Slot 9: 25%])
• 30 SQ - The Sídhe: Barghest
• 15 SQ Floating Wisp [Small, Low]
• 15 SQ Floating Wisp [Small, High]
• 0 SC - Scar: Eye - Small [Left] (won from battle)
• 0 SC - Scar: Nose (won from battle)
• 0 SC - Background Rocks [Gray] (self-crafted)
• 0 SC - Foreground Rocks [Gray] (self-crafted)
• 0 SC - Owl Talon Necklace (self-crafted)
• 485 SC - Squirrel Carcass Decor (free crafting, cost is of carcasses themselves)
• 375 SC - Rain Drops Decor
• 0 SC - Scarce Understory [Dry] (from raffle entries)
• 150 SC - Gene Testing (Completely Negative)
• 5,500 SC - Attempted Breeding Stud Fees
Total: 132 GC, 250 LT, 260 SQ, and 6,710 SC
Currency Made: 102 GC and 53,250 SC
50k SC Made in Requests: 8 March 2022
T3s Produced: 33 Bronzes (1 in first ever litter!), 9 Seals, 1 Opal, 1 Pyrope, 1 Flint, 2 Serpentines.
Stud Post(s):
🥉 Cupru | G2 Bronze Chaser Stud | Lumino 👀 | 10m7r (MOSS SMDGE HVY) | 700s+ | 3

Sold Out Weeks: Week of 21 February 2022 (Retirement Sale Began), Week of 28 February 2022, Week of 7 March 2022 (Retirement Sale Ends {Personal Retirement Week Begins}).
Starting Stats: 81 56 54 55 66 -> 312
Current Stats: 148 171 206 99 112 -> 736
1k Stats Achieved: 13 February 2022
Guarana Slapped Into the Man: 4, 2/5 Meat Pie Uses
Art By: Akumu (#28568)
Art By: Anribel (#1166)
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
81 | 56 | 54 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
55 | 66 | 312 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Decorations and Background |

4 uses left
No Role!
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 185 |
Total Number of Hunts | 881 |
Successful Hunts | 619 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 70 |
In current pack for 1183 rollovers
Wolf created on 2021-09-21 05:12:02